Sorsogon City Division has already filled up the additional
20 plantilla positions as the result of the rationalization. This
was bared by Mrs. Beverly R. Monje , Administrative Officer V, when
asked about the status of the rationalization implementation in DepEd Sorsogon
City. Monje said originally the division
has only 42 plantilla positions but because of the rationalization program of
DepEd , additional positions were raised to 62 items.
Meanwhile, after one year of implementation of the rationalization,
Sorsogon City Division becomes bigger now.
Dr. Nympha D. Guemo, OIC- Schools Division Superintendent
said Sorsogon City is very lucky because the division is categorized as medium
division. Based on the staffing pattern, this category has ample technical
people who will work on school governance and quality education. This situation
is favorable to Sorsogon City which is composed of 74 schools only.Guemo added
that we have no reason not to excel in all aspects because we are equipped with
technical and financial resources.
Some changes that are evident in rationalization are the
separation of academic supervision and the governance and operation of schools .
Academic concerns are now assigned to CID or Curriculum Implementation Division
while the schools governance and operation are tasked to SGOD or Schools
Governance and Operation Division.
Education Supervisors and Public Schools District Supervisors who were previously holding 2 functions are now exclusively
concentrating on academic supervision while the governance and operation of
schools are now assigned to specialists
who are new players in the
This early, rationalization in DepEd is creating
favorable changes in favor of the learners.
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